Why do you want to stay away from all animal flesh and dairy as a protein source?
It is not well known to the average individual, but all people have cancer cells throughout their body. Our immune system typically fights about 6 major cancers in a lifetime. The reason many of these cancers don’t fully develop is due to two very important pancreatic enzymes (trypsin and chymotrypsin.) These two enzymes are responsible for dissolving the protective protein coating that surrounds cancer cells. Once the body dissolves the protective coating around the diseased cells, the cell is then more visible to our immune system which eradicates the danger quickly and early, without us even knowing it.
Protein from all animal sources (beef, chicken, pork, lamb, fish, casein from dairy) requires large amounts of trypsin and chymotrypsin from the pancreas for digestion. A constant diet of animal protein drains your “enzyme bank”, thus leaving many cancer cells undetected with their protective coats intact. Most people don’t get cancer overnight. Cancer usually takes years to develop. T. Colin Campbell, PHD showed conclusively in The China Study that animal protein dramatically increases the risk of humans developing clinical cancers and the role that these two pancreatic enzymes play is just one of the many reasons why.