Virtually every organ/gland and cell in the body is affected by the condition of the large intestines (colon). The body constantly produces cellular waste along with waste from undigested foods. It is important to cleanse the colon on a regular basis so that waste materials are not reabsorbed back into the bloodstream. The average person carries around 5 to 15 pounds of fecal matter that is chronically retained on the walls of the colon from a poor diet of over processed foods. After several years on a diet of denatured foods, the colon lacks the ability to absorb essential electrolytes and water. This leaves an inflamed intestinal lining in which beneficial bacterial cannot grow.
The Standard American Diet (The SAD diet) is mostly void of the basic nutrients that are needed in order to run an optimum digestive system. When a good portion of your diet is full of pastey chemical laden substances, it is hard for colon peristalsis to occur regularly. Over the years, the large intestines becomes sluggish which creates an environment of toxic gases from putrification and fermentation. These gases are reabsorbed back to the liver causing you to become lethargic and potentially ill.